Ways to Get Involved at PEC
Our PEC Principal, Teachers, and Staff are the backbone of our school. But our Parents, Grandparents, and other Volunteers play a huge role in supporting our school programs, classrooms, and ensuring our students have enrichment education.
You can get involved without a huge a time commitment!
Simply join the PTA and attend just 4 meetings during the school year - usually two evening meetings and two morning meetings. Dinner and childcare provided for the evening meetings. (View calendar for dates)
Join a committee. See committee descriptions below.
Volunteer at specific events. Read the Weekly Splash for updates on Events and links to volunteer sign-ups.
Join a Committee or Help with an Event
Check out the different PEC Committees below and let us know if you'd be interested in joining one. If you want to be a volunteer for specific events as they occur throughout the year, just let us know you want to be on the event volunteer list and we'll share sign-up forms as events get planned.
Events include: Fall Social, Fall Give, Jog-a-thon, Teacher Appreciation Week, Fiesta Showcase, and the Nighttime Fundraiser.
PEC Committees
Paul Ecke Central's fundraising committee needs you! Come join us in raising funds for crucial PEC educational programs and much more.
California public funding does not cover all of our specialized teachers and it is up to the parents at PEC to raise money for our Garden and STEAM teachers' salaries. We also fundraise for field trips and buses, clubs and community events, teacher needs, scholarships, grants and much more! Our committee raises funds annually in three ways - FALL GIVE, JOGATHON, and our ever popular NIGHT TIME FUNDRAISER. In order to make these events a success we need you! All help is welcome, from sending emails, making posters and flyers, soliciting silent auction items, handing out water at our jogathon, making bouquets or decorating.......every little bit helps, and it is FUN!
email fundraisingpec@gmail.com for more info and to be added to the committee list.
Garden Committee
Come join the parent-led Paul Ecke Central School Garden Community!
We are so lucky to have an amazing outdoor learning center and garden enrichment program.
Our large and dynamic school garden takes work to maintain and our Garden Teacher would love a helping hand!
In-person volunteer opportunities:
Monday Morning Maintenance: Join us Mondays from 8-10am to help maintain our beautiful garden classroom. Get a visitor pass and head to the garden to check in with Mr. Wheeler and the School Garden Community volunteers!
2nd Sunday Garden Volunteer Day from 8am-10am! Come and help maintain our beautiful school garden and then afterwards go enjoy the Leucadia Farmers Market. No previous gardening experience needed. Enter from Vulcan gate. Whether you stay for 30 mins or for the entire time, we hope to see you there! *Due to the Farmers Market set-up, children attending must be there to help and be fully supervised by an adult at all times.*
Class Garden Parent: Coordinate with your child's teacher regarding their class garden box, then email us at garden.pec@gmail.com and we'll connect you with any available resources.
Chicken Care Volunteers: Our chickens need volunteers to let them out, help fill their water and food, and lock them in at night. Consider signing up for a Saturday or holiday, then email us at garden.pec@gmail.com and we'll walk you through it! Sign up here to help care for the PEC chickens: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0948ADAF2DA7F9C52-paul
Support us online:
Amazon Wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2WAMKR4Y3ZQXY?ref_=wl_share
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pec_garden/
Questions? Contact us at garden.pec@gmail.com
Green Team
Coming soon
School Site Council
School Site Council (SSC)
A School Site Council (SSC) must be established at all EUSD schools. The elected members represent parents, students, community members, and school staff in school governance. The SSC is responsible for the development the Academic Plan, and overall school site budget including any categorical funds. The SSC is expected to:
Review the EUSD and Paul Ecke Central learning goals
Review and analyze student data
Solicit community input and develop a needs assessment
Assist the principal in developing the School Plan and school site categorical budget
Monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the School Plan on an ongoing basis
Approve the School Plan and school site categorical budget before it is submitted to the District for final review and approval